The full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenesBOUTIQUE CANNABIS FLOWERS
Natural, free of additives and pesticides,
not chemically treated, laboratory tested


Our first-rate industrial cannabis grew in the family boutique field at the mercy of Mother Nature. The care and love of a devoted gardener have endowed it with a special power. It boasted green and dark-violet colors. Its fragrant flowers developed yellow and orange trichomes, producing resin and a frosty crystal coating when it was time for harvest. The ripe, intoxicatingly aromatic flowers were handpicked, trimmed, and dried.

The finest, carefully selected flowers come in a handy package that keeps them fresh and aromatic.

Morana’s embrace calms you, clears your thoughts, lifts your spirits, and helps you stay focused. It elevates the senses and relaxes the body, though its love for you can also be intense and deep. It accompanies you on a relaxing walk through the mysterious forests of our hills. It restores your connection with nature and with yourself. It awakens an ancient power inside you and stimulates you to think freely, to internalize your experience of the world.

Belin has an extraordinary power. It charms you with its gentleness, relieves you of sleepless nights, and stimulates an appetite. It promotes spiritual peace, shares its creative force and is a bearer of well-being. When you are lost in the woods of dark thoughts, it shows you the path to a sunlit clearing. It enfolds you in a warm coat of comfort and grace.

We dissolved Belin’s powers into drops and captured them in a bottle. Belin can ensure a healthy appetite, can relieve inflammation in the digestive tract and eliminate bloating.

Morana’s charm captured in noble oil. Morana’s drops can relieve pain, reduce inflammation and improve sleep. Cbd drops can help fight stress and anxiety.

We have brewed a magical potion from three simple and aromatic ingredients. The drink is a balanced mix of local flavors that gently stroke your taste buds. The herbal taste of cannabis, the sweetness of honey, the freshness of lemon.

Chilled it offers freshness, warmed helps chase away the winter.

Even children like to drink it!